Cherry Blossoms

September 2013 Minutes

EH&S Committee 6 MeetingCMU 065
September 19, 2013

Minutes by Beverly Wessel

Present:  John Martin, Ron Maxwell, Beverly Wessel

  1. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m.
  2. In order to meet the schedule of a new committee member, it was decided that the meeting time of this committee will change to 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.  The time change will begin at the next meeting on October 17, 2013.
  3. July 18 minutes were not approved; need revision (correct names of those present); no August minutes
  4. Review of Accident/Incident Reports for July 2013:
    a. 2013-07-009, Communication: complete

b. 2013-07-030, Burke Museum: complete
c. 2013-07-032, Burke Museum: complete
d. 2013-07-033, Burke Museum: complete
e. 2013-07-034, Burke Museum: complete
f. 2013-07-036, Burke Museum: complete
g. 2013-07-065; Burke Museum: complete
h. 2013-07-066, Burke Museum: complete
i. 2013-07-067, Burke Museum: complete
j. 2013-07-068, Burke Museum: complete

k. 2013-07-069, Burke Museum: complete

l. 2013-07-070, Burke Museum: complete

m. 2013-070-096, Chemistry: complete

  1. Review of Accident/Incident Reports for August 2013:
    a. 2013-08-058, CSSS, 2013-08-058: report closed by EH&S
  2. Report from U-Wide meeting:  John was unable to attend the August meeting; he attended the September meeting but there were no presentations or reports.
  3. New Business:  John announced that Ann DePasquale has been appointed to the committee as the A&S Dean’s office representative, replacing Bob Blum.  She will serve as election coordinator for the upcoming elections. 
  4. Agenda for next meeting on October 17, 2:30 p.m.: Discuss procedures for upcoming elections.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.