Cherry Blossoms

User Groups

College of Arts & Sciences offers roundtables to share resources and build connections across departments. These roundtables are an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues in other units and learn what’s coming down the pike for marketing and advancement activities. They often explore hot topics and best practices through special workshops, guest speakers, and presentations.

Arts Council: Meets twice a quarter. Contact Lauren Zondag ( to join the mailing list.

Inside ArtSci Roundtable: Meets one to two times a quarter. Topics span from student communications, constituent relations, to donor engagement. Contact Lauren Zondag ( to join the mailing list.

Department Web Framework Users Group: Meets quarterly to share strategies for managing web content and improving digital communications. The group consists of staff, faculty, and students who work on department sites that use the framework. For details and information about joining, see the DWF Users Group.

Social Media Office Hours (“Social Skills”): Open invitation for casual conversations to discuss social media best practices, troubleshoot questions, share ideas and success stories, and more. Contact Holly Graves ( to join the Office Hours.

College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter Workshops: Focus on best practices and resources to build dynamic and accessible digital newsletters, event invitations and event registrations. Also covers audience development. Contact to inquire about training opportunities.

In addition to roundtables run by the College of Arts & Sciences, explore communities of best practices organized by our University Marketing and Communications (UMAC) colleagues. Workshops include: UMAC Marketing & Communications Roundtable, Word Nerds, Digital Engagement Town Hall, Web Council, Events Network, and more.