Cherry Blossoms

Major Gifts

Page last reviewed on 1/30/2023. Pages are reviewed annually.

Major gifts (defined as $25,000 or more) are highly curated and part of a long-term relationship between prospective donors, major gift officers, and faculty members, volunteers, or projects. The College of Arts & Sciences has a team of major gift officers that drive efforts in this area.

The Major Gifts Officers work closely with academic leaders, department chairs, faculty, volunteers, and other advancement staff. They will work with you to identify potential donors with the capacity to give a major gift, cultivate and nurture positive relationships with donors and potential donors, solicit major gifts, and steward donor relationships on behalf of the College.

Who Is My Major Gift Officer?

How to Work with Your Major Gift Officer

Portfolios and Prospective Donors

Contact Reports

Please contact the Advancement Services team anytime at with questions or for more information.