Cherry Blossoms

Zoom Tips and Tricks

Below you will find some Tips and Tricks that will enhance your use of the Zoom Platform 

  • When setting up a meeting: You can use “Recurring” meetings so that you have the same meeting number for meetings that occur more than once. This is a great tool for Team Meetings or group meetings that happen on a regular or semi-regular basis. 

  • Meeting numbers expire 30 days after their scheduled date 

  • Zoom does not allow you to HOST concurrent zoom meeting. 

  • Want to have a fast way to start/join a Zoom meeting. Set your Personal Zoom meeting number to be your phone number: 

    • Go to

    • Login to Zoom Standard 

    • On the left-hand side, you will see “Profile” 

    • In the Section: Personal Meeting ID, you can click EDIT and change the number to be a number of your choice. The format of the Zoom Meeting ID is that of a phone number, so you could make it your office number. 

  • You can set a Zoom Personal link also, if you want to share this with individuals when you want to have a quick meeting (no meeting ID creation needed. 

    • Go to

    • Login to Zoom Standard 

    • On the left-hand side, you will see “Profile” 

    • In the Section: Personal Link, “not set yet” you can click EDIT and customize the link. It will tell you if your choice is already taken, but you can make it some variation of your name. 

  • Some important personal choices (found in Settings on the Zoom page): 

    • Join Before Host – individuals can join your meeting before you. 

    • Waiting Room – puts people in a waiting room until you manually admit them into the Zoom meeting (this can be tedious, but secure if you are re-using a single meeting number for office hours or private meetings) 

  • Being the Host of a meeting gives you certain elevated privileges:  

    • You can mute and unmute participants 

    • You can eject a participant from a meeting if they are not intended to be in the meeting. 

    • You can record your meeting 

  • If you Host a Zoom meeting, but start the Zoom meeting from a shared Conference Room computer you will need the HOST KEY to be granted Host control of the meeting. 

    • In order to create a HOST KEY you can recall easily: 

    • Go to 

    • Login to Zoom Standard 

    • On the left-hand side, you will see “Profile” 

    • In the Section at the very bottom of the page, Host Key, click “unhide” to see the preset Host Key. If you want to change the Host Key, click EDIT and select a 6-digit host key. You can always log in to change this at any time. 

  • When joining Zoom, you have two options for audio: 

    • Join by “Computer Audio” (this is by default selected) 

    • Join by “Phone Call” 

    • If your internet is at all struggling, I would suggest “join by Phone Call” (via a cellphone or landline) to improve the audio quality. 

    • Having a headset (with microphone), versus using the computer speakers and microphone will also improve your experience. 

  • Sharing internet at home: Many of us are sharing our home internet with other individuals. If you have a critical meeting, it would be a good time to remind the household that streaming movies and playing games that require a lot of internet will have a negative impact on your Zoom meeting.