Cherry Blossoms

Resignation and retirement letters

Dean's Office contacts: CAS Personnel Team

A letter of resignation or retirement from the University of Washington should include the following items:

  • Name
  • Department(s)
  • Statement of intent to resign or retire
  • Official retirement/resignation date (the last day of employment)
  • If retiring, whether or not choosing the option to rehire for five years after retirement (tenured faculty only)
  • If retiring, whether or not pursuing an emeritus appointment
  • If resigning, the reason for leaving
  • If going to a new place of employment, the name of the new employer, location, and what title will be held

The letter must be addressed and sent to the department chair. Once the department chair has received the letter, a copy must be sent to Linda Nelson.

The department will also attach the letter in Maintain Worker Documents when process the Voluntary Termination

If the retiring person is to be considered for an emeritus appointment, see the A&S Web sites for Emeritus appointments and New temporary (Job Management) positions.

Helpful information concerning retirement may be obtained from the UW Benefits Office.

Academic Personnel & Faculty has information on working after retirement.