Cherry Blossoms

Calendar of annual due dates

If you would like to get access to the CAS Deadline calendar, please follow these instructions.

Due date Item to be submitted to Dean’s Office Send to
September 30 Submit Final Terms of New Employment Offer to via Interfolio.  

Sue Barnhart

October 15

Mandatory tenure and promotion to Associate Professor (tenure and research tracks) recommendations

Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio
October 11 List of 9.5-month and 10-month appointments Sue Barnhart
November 1 Non-mandatory tenure and promotion to Associate Professor (all tracks) recommendations Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio
November 15

Autumn reappointment recommendations due via Interfolio

Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio

December 1 Sabbatical applications Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio
December 6 Recommendations for reemployment of retirees Sue Barnhart
December 15 Recommendation for promotion to Full Professor (all tracks) and Senior Artist in Residence promotion due Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio
December 15 Submit 5-year hiring plan to Divisional Deans Divisional Deans
February 15 Recommendations for reappointment of annual appointees: acting, adjunct, affiliate, clinical, and visiting titles Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via spreadsheet
March 1 Submit the Search Approval process in Interfolio, making sure to provide the justification and anticipated financial and space commitments.

Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller


May 1 Assistant Professor renewal recommendations (tenure and research track) Ivy Mason-Sharrah/Susan Miller via Interfolio