Cherry Blossoms

College Council

Dean's Office contact: Ivy Mason-Sharrah, Julianna Jones

The College Council serves as an advisory body to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The Council is composed of the Dean and eight members elected from the voting membership of the College faculty. Only full Professors are eligible to serve on the Council. The term of office is four years.

For purposes of representation, the units of the College are divided into four groups, and two Council members are elected from each group.

Group I, Humanities: Asian Languages & Literature, Classics, Comparative History of Ideas, Comparative Literature, English, French & Italian Studies, Germanics, Linguistics, Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures, Scandinavian Studies, Slavic Languages & Literatures, Spanish & Portuguese Studies

Group II, Arts: Art, Dance, Drama, Music

Group III, Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Speech & Hearing Sciences, Statistics

Group IV, Social Sciences: American Ethnic Studies; American Indian Studies; Anthropology; Communication; Economics; Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; Geography; History; International Studies; Law, Societies & Justice; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology 

The Council may also have two student representatives, one selected by the Associated Students, University of Washington (ASUW) and one by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). Student representatives are not voting members of the Council, and they may not attend Council meetings which deal with personnel matters.

The functions of the College Council are:

  • (1) to review and make recommendations on faculty personnel actions for tenure, promotion, and new appointments at a tenured rank;
  • (2) to advise the Dean on matters of educational policy;
  • (3) to advise the Dean on matters of budget, including budget allocations and faculty salary policy;
  • (4) to advise the Dean on matters of College administrative policy and procedure;
  • (5) to act on behalf of the College faculty in recommending the granting of undergraduate degrees;
  • (6) to advise the Dean in appointing standing and special committees of the College faculty;
  • (7) to interpret the College Code of Organization and Procedure.

These faculty members are serving on the College Council for the 2022-2023 academic year.



Home department

Term of office


Marianne Stecher-Hansen

Scandinavian 2021-2025
  Eva Cherniavsky




Zhi Lin

Art + Art History + Design



Shannon Dudley




Chantel Prat




Anne McCoy



Social Sciences

Christian Novetzke

Jackson School of International Studies 



Moon-Ho Jung

