Cherry Blossoms

Emeritus appointments

Dean's Office contacts:  Sue Barnhart

Qualifications for appointment. The emeritus title may be given to a retired faculty member, including research and clinical faculty, whose scholarly, teaching, or service record has been meritorious. The normal criteria are at least ten years of prior service as a member of the faculty and achievement of the rank of Professor or Associate Professor. Under certain circumstances the emeritus status may be granted for other titles or levels.

New appointment procedures and documentation. An emeritus appointment is recommended by departmental action and requires approval by the Dean and the President. See New temporary (Job Management) positions.

Length of term and reappointment. An emeritus appointment is an indefinite one, with no ending date designated. No reappointments are necessary.

Vested right to rehire. Each autumn retired faculty members who are eligible to participate in the partial reemployment option are asked to indicate whether they plan to participate the following year. More details about this program can be found on the Academic HR site. Sue Barnhart will send a list of eligible faculty members to you every fall. If you have a faculty member retiring during the current academic year who plans to take advantage of this program, you do not need to meet this deadline. You should, however, send along this information as soon as possible following their retirement for review by your Divisional Dean. The deadline for submitting this information can be found on the Calendar of annual due dates. For each eligible retiree in your unit who plans to rehire in a given year please complete the Partial Reemployment of Retirees (Emeritus Rehire) Request form online. Once submitted, the form will automatically be emailed to Sue Barnhart. This information will also be reviewed by your Divisional Dean, who will work with you to determine the appropriate compensation level for the course(s). Divisional Dean approval is required BEFORE the retiree can be converted to a paid status in Workday.

  • NOTE: the vested right is not allowable under the following Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) retirement plans. While tenured faculty enrolled in these plans may request to reemploy after retirement (as described below), they do not maintain a vested right. For questions on DRS plan terms and conditions of reemployment, faculty should contact the UW Benefits Office.

Other reemployment: Emeritus faculty who are not eligible for the vested right to rehire can still be reemployed by the department. They may be reemployed up to 40% per year but the funds to support them must come from funding sources at the department level.