On April 24, 2024, the Department of Justice (DOJ) published a new rule on digital accessibility under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This rule requires the University’s web content, including academic course content, to be accessible starting on April 24, 2026. The College of Arts & Sciences is committed to ensuring that all information related to our research, academic courses, services and programs comply with the rule.
Campus-wide ADA Resources
The University of Washington provides extensive information about how to meet accessibility requirements.
Help from Accessible Technology Services
Explore the wide variety of tools, resources, and trainings that Accessible Technology Services has to offer:
CAS Accessibility Training and Consultation
The College of Arts & Sciences is sponsoring training and offering drop-in consulting sessions throughout 2025.
Winter Workshop for CAS Faculty
- In-person workshop for instructors focused on disability justice and accessibility. This will be an interactive workshop with opportunities to engage in activities and discussions. While open to all, this workshop is more geared for intermediate or advanced practitioners of inclusive pedagogies.
- Friday, February 28th, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
- Register
Spring Workshops for CAS Faculty and Staff
- Canvas Accessibility: Top 4 Things to Do Right Now
- Wednesday, April 16th 11-12:30
- Strategy and Gameplan for Individual and Departmental Work Toward Accessibility
- Friday, May 2nd 11-12:30
- Looking Ahead to the new academic year: Universal Design for Learning
- Tuesday, May 20th 11-12:30
Instruction Accessibility Meetups
Held via Zoom on the 1st Tuesday of the month, from noon to 1:00. Registration is open to anyone with a UW netid
- Tuesday, Feb. 4: Accessible Data Visualizations with Librarian Negeen Aghassibake.
- Tuesday, March 4: The Basics of Building Accessible Tables with Accessible Document Specialist Gaby de Jongh. Tuesday, March 4
If you have specific questions, please fill out this form and the CAS IT Team will partner with the CAS Web Team to answer your questions and point you towards resources.
A note about CAS-hosted websites
Generally, websites hosted by the CAS web team, including most department websites, already meet many ADA guidelines. We will audit these sites in 2025, and mitigate any issues we find. We will also offer additional training to site editors, to help you better structure the content on your sites to meet the new guidelines. For more information, email us at asweb@uw.edu.