Cherry Blossoms

Undergraduate Program and Credential Proposals

If it would be helpful, please prior to creating a new program or program change proposal contact Kiera Dempsey ( for help in determining the appropriate next steps. 

General Information

Program and Credential proposals are filled out and submitted for approval through the UW Curriculum Management system (UW CM). The 1503 paper form is no longer used for proposal submission. 

For instructions on how to navigate UW CM and fill out a proposal visit the UW Curriculum Office's program and credential proposals quick guides. 


How do I know if my program change is substantive? Click here. 

What does the UW program proposal workflow look like with a NOP? Click here. 

Program vs. Credential

A program is a curricular area of study (in CAS, usually a department). A credential is a transcripted degree or minor the student earns in that area (such as a BA or BS or minor).

Programs and credentials are distinct but connected. Every credential is part of a program. Some programs have only one credential (e.g., a BA in Sociology), while other programs offer multiple credentials (e.g., BS and BA degrees in Psychology). A minor is an independent credential.

Which type of proposal would I need for different program changes? 

A change that impacts all credentials under a program would only need one program change proposal. A change that affects one credential would only need one credential change proposal. 

After Submission

  • If you have a particularly complicated program proposal please reach out to Sarah Garner (currently the CAS advising representative to FCAS) a week prior to a SCAP meeting in order to answer any preliminary or live questions about your proposal. This communication can aid in the process of having your proposal approved in a SCAP meeting. 
  • Check through the Student Database that program pre-requisites and requirements are entered correctly. Typically the changes will appear about 2 weeks following final approval. 

Common Issues:

  • The total number of credits is not an accurate count of all the credits listed in the requirements for a program or credential. 
  • The proposal does not include potentially affected units. 
    • If any edits are made to remove or add a course that is owned by another department they need to be listed as a potentially affected department in the workflow. 
  •  A proposal that references a “list of approved courses” in the requirement does not provide the list as an attachment. Proposals will be sent back if they do not include a supporting document uploaded to the proposal that lists those courses whether they are listed on the department website or not. 

Policies Guiding University Review 

If a program proposal does not follow FCAS policies then it is likely to be brought up during review and require an explanation. 

If past data on a program or credential proposal does not follow FCAS policy even if it is not included in the changes proposed, the proposal may require further review and justification. Old program features that do not follow policy may not be initially accepted, or grandfathered in. 

For more information and other FCAS Policies visit here.

New Majors

If a new major proposal does not include all of the requests featured in FCAS Guidelines for New and Online Major and Degree Proposals it may be held from review until it is fully complete.

Other Resources

UWCO Undergraduate Program Proposal Process FAQs

The College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee does not review graduate program proposals. More resources for graduate program proposals can be found here.