Cherry Blossoms

February 2017 Minutes

EH&S Committee 6 Meeting

Communications 065
February 16, 2017 

Present:  Lori Anthony, Eric Camp, Brianna Divine, Angie Haggard, Cathy Holliday, Elena Johns, Tamara Leonard, Maggie Luning, Paul Miller, Beth Ramage, Natassia Stelmaszek, Bev Wessel

I. Meeting called to order at 3:05p.m.

II. The minutes from the January 2017 meeting were approved.   

III. University-Wide Health and Safety Committee meeting: Maggie reported that there was a discussion about safety issues related to special events that occur in the evening and how UW Alerts is giving inaccurate information about building lockdowns.  The EH&S website is being updated for easier navigation.  There was a discussion about how EH&S will address concerns that will be reported anonymously on the site.

IV. Review of  January 2017 OARS reports:
2017-01-012, Burke Museum, complete
2017-01-017, Chemistry, complete
2017-01-025, Biology, incomplete
2017-01-042, Chemistry, complete
2017-01-046, Spanish & Portuguese, complete
2017-01-047, Chemistry, complete
2017-01-049, Statistics, complete
2017-01-058, Digital Arts, complete
2017-01-061, Drama, complete
2017-01-068, Biology, complete
2017-01-071, Dean Arts & Sciences, complete
2017-01-075, Biology, complete
2017-01-098, Art, incomplete
2017-01-102, Language Learning Center, incomplete
2017-01-104, Chemistry, incomplete
2017-01-105, Biology, complete
2017-01-109, Burke Museum, complete

V. New Business:  Discussion of Anti-Semitic posters in Thomson Hall.  Report to any of the following: Bias Incident Report Line, department administrators, UW Police, Safe Campus.  The committee then went over how to fill out an OARS report.

VI. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March  16, 2017 at 3 p.m. in CMU 065

VII. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

Minutes by Beverly Wessel