Cherry Blossoms

October 2013 Minutes

EH&S Committee 6 MeetingCMU 065
October 25, 2013

Minutes by Beverly Wessel


Present:  Ann DePasquale, John Martin, Ron Maxell, Beverly Wessel

  1. Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.
  2. New committee member, Ann DePasquale, was welcomed to her first meeting.  Ann will also act as coordinator for the upcoming election of committee members.
  3. There was a discussion of the upcoming election.    Martin, Maxell and Wessel self-nominated for re-election to another 2-year term.  Ann announced that she has received 12 nominations as a result of an appeal for more members.  The election will run the first 2 weeks in November.  Ann will develop a voting procedure on Catalyst.


  1. The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
  2. Review of Accident/Incident Reports for September 2013:
    a. 2013-09-003, Biology: complete

b. 2013-09-006, French & Italian Studies: complete
c. 2013-09-023, Chemistry: incomplete; John will follow up
d. 2013-09-041, Chemistry: complete
e. 2013-09-057, Chemistry: complete
f. 2013-09-063, Burke Museum: incomplete; John will follow up

  1. Report from U-Wide meeting:  John was unable to attend the October meeting.
  2. New Business: No new business
  3. The next meeting is on November 21, 2013 at 2:30 p.m.  Room TBA.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.