Cherry Blossoms

October 2017 Minutes

EH&S Committee 6 MeetingCommunications 065
October 19, 2017


Present:  Paul Miller, Eric Camp, Brianna Divine, Catherine Holliday, Tamara Leonard, Maggie Luning, Lori Anthony, Angie Haggard

I. Meeting called to order at 3:03 p.m. by chair, Paul Miller

II. The minutes from the September 2017 meeting were approved.  

III. University-Wide Health and Safety Committee meeting report:  Maggie reported that the U-Wide meeting was held at the UW Tacoma Campus. Group election updates were given. UW Tacoma’s Health and Safety Committee gave a tour to the visiting groups. 

IV. Review of September 2017 OARS reports:
2017-09-021 CHID, complete

2017-09-031 CAS Advancement, complete

2017-09-066 Dance JM Academic, complete

V. New Business: Elections update: Call for nominations closes on 10/20. Ballot will go out the week of 10/23.

The group discussed the campus-wide and student-organized game, Humans vs. Zombies. There have been concerns and complaints from faculty and staff on campus of the negative impact the game has on the UW community’s sense of security. The group decided it was an issue to be taken up with Student Activities and UWPD. Another option is to make alternative arrangements for work if Humans vs. Zombies affects one’s work environment. Students have been told not to enter buildings and are no longer allowed to use Nerf items.

The committee has decided to complete a charter. The U-Wide committee’s charter will be used as a template for Group 6’s charter. The group will review and approve next month.

EH&S’s AAP template and video are now available for all to use.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 16th at 3:00 p.m. in CMU 065

The meeting was adjourned at 3:38 p.m.

Minutes by Maggie Luning