ACTING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR -- to convert to tenure-track Assistant Professor
Note that an offer letter must be approved by the Dean’s Office before it is sent; contact IVY MASON-SHARRAH for information.
Dear ________:
It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of ____ has recommended your appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective ____ or as soon afterwards as a visa can be obtained. Foreign national visas require processing by federal agencies and are subject to their current processing times, which may involve delays beyond the University of Washington’s control. This recommendation has been forwarded with your credentials to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, who has authorized me to inform you of the terms of the offer.
The proposed annual salary is $______ ($______ per month) on a ____-month basis (____% time). This salary includes any expected salary increases that might occur during the first year of your employment. You will be eligible for salary increases in subsequent years.
The initial appointment of an Assistant Professor is for a period of three years. Renewal for a second three-year term will be considered by the department and College during Spring Quarter of the second year. A mandatory review for tenure and promotion must be conducted in the sixth year of appointment (although it may be recommended earlier).
Because the rules of the University preclude the use of the Assistant Professor title when the prospective faculty member is in the process of completing a doctorate, the department has recommended this appointment at the Acting Assistant Professor rank until you have completed your degree. Upon award of the degree, the department intends to recommend the change of your appointment to Assistant Professor. At such time the acting appointment will conclude, and an initial three-year Assistant Professor appointment will begin. This is, of course, contingent upon your timely completion of the degree. Note that the acting title is limited to two years.
As a new faculty member, you are encouraged to participate in the Teaching@UW: Strategies, Resources, and Connections for New UW Faculty program, a one-week orientation program held in September to familiarize new faculty with the University and assist them in improving their teaching skills. The program relies almost entirely on senior faculty members with distinguished records as educators to work with new faculty members on effective teaching methods and techniques for balancing the demands of successful teaching and research. While focusing on instructional techniques and responsibilities, the program also fosters collegiality across disciplinary boundaries. Information on the program can be found at If you choose to participate in this program, your appointment would become effective on September 1 and you would be paid from September 1 to September 15 at 50% salary. A bonus of this participation is that your benefits would start on September 1 rather than October 1.
Under the Junior Faculty Development Program, one award is given to each Assistant Professor by the College of Arts and Sciences, in partnership with its departments and schools. The goal is to assist junior faculty in their professional development by providing them with time and opportunity to enhance their scholarly and teaching careers. The award consists of one faculty development quarter (one quarter with no assigned teaching responsibilities) and one month of summer salary or the equivalent in research support. During the faculty development quarter the faculty member is not on formal leave and is expected to remain in residence to fulfill all other faculty duties (as is the case for any faculty member receiving an exemption from the Instructional Responsibility Policy). The award must be used prior to the awarding of tenure.
[Add this paragraph if applicable] This offer includes a relocation incentive payment in the amount of $______. Acceptance of this offer confirms your understanding that the full amount of the relocation incentive payment must be repaid to the University, if within one year of the date of your appointment you voluntarily terminate University employment, or if you engage in behavior that makes termination of employment necessary. In addition, acceptance of this offer may have tax consequences for you, and necessary payroll deductions will be taken from the relocation incentive payment. If you have questions about the tax implications of the relocation incentive payment, you may wish to consult a tax professional for advice. You will receive this payment as a separate check along with your first paycheck.
[Add this paragraph if applicable] When you commence your appointment, $2,500 will be made available by the College to provide you with a computer workstation. Please contact the ______ for assistance purchasing your workstation.
The University provides extensive retirement, health insurance, and other benefits to all employees. For more information, please visit
The general function and responsibilities of the position include ___________. [This section should address teaching, research and service expectations.]
If you accept our offer, you should examine the sections of the University Policy Directory that pertain to the responsibilities and expectations of all faculty. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of appointment and reappointment contained in Chapter 24 of the Policy Directory.
Before your appointment recommendation can be acted upon formally, we must receive your written concurrence with the proposed terms of appointment as specified above. Please provide this as soon as possible, but in any case no later than _____. Once you have obtained access to University computing systems you will be expected to complete some information in Workday, such as Affirmative Action data and W-4 withholding. If you need assistance with Workday, contact the department administrator, [[NAME, EMAIL]].
[Add this paragraph if applicable] Your employment in this position is conditioned on the University obtaining a satisfactory criminal conviction background check for you. “A-Check America” is the consumer reporting agency vendor that conducts background checks for the University, and soon you will receive an email message from A-Check that explains how to log in to their secure site and provide the information that is needed to complete the background check process. This will include, among other things, your birth date, social security number, and any other names by which you have been known.
As a condition of employment at the University of Washington, you will be required to fill out an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form within three days of your start date. In order to complete this form, you will be required to present appropriate documentation in person (except in exceptional circumstances). A list of acceptable documents can be found at
A condition of this appointment is that you resign any faculty appointment or other employment which you are holding elsewhere by the effective date of your University of Washington appointment.
This offer is contingent upon acceptable outcomes regarding criminal background (if applicable) and sexual misconduct.
State law requires that the University of Washington obtain the Disclosure of Sexual Misconduct declaration signed by the candidate. The declaration will require you to disclose any substantiated findings of sexual misconduct, to authorize current and past employers to disclose to the UW any sexual misconduct currently being investigated and/or committed by you, and to release current and past employers from any liability. If the results of the disclosure are unacceptable, you will not be offered a position at the UW.
All University appointments require formal action by the Board of Regents to become effective. When confirming action is taken by the Board, the President will provide you with a formal notice of appointment.
I look forward to receiving your response.
Sincerely yours, . . . etc.