Cherry Blossoms

Salary release policy

Dean's Office contacts: Linda Nelson, Sue Barnhart

Faculty (01-10)

Departments that receive an annual GOF instructional allocation should use this allocation for instructional purposes only. When a release occurs due to leaves or buyouts in this allocation the released funds remain in the department and should be used for instructional support.  It is expected that departments fulfill their instructional mission within their original annual allocation.

Staff (01-60, 01-70)

Departments that receive an annual GOF allocation to support staff should use this allocation to support staff only. When there is a release of any kind (due to leaves, buyouts, vacancies, etc.), the released funds remain in the unit.  These released funds should be used to replace the duties of the vacant position.  Departments are expected to fulfill their staffing needs within their original annual allocation. 

Any over-expenditure in a department’s instructional or staffing allocation at the end of the fiscal year is the responsibility of the department.