Cherry Blossoms

CAS Policies & Information

The College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office hosts a monthly Grants Workshop providing support and information to those within the college. Please contact Megan Piccirillo at to be added to the workshop.

Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility for CAS

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There are 7 faculty titles automatically allowed to serve as a PI on a sponsored project application and award. The department administrator can enter this into the ASTRA authorization system. There are 7 faculty titles that must get advance approval to serve as PI on a specific funding application. It is recommended that eligibility be confirmed or requested before writing a proposal.

Forms Signed in the Dean's Office

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F&A Waiver Request

This form is used to request the use of a non-standard Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate that does not fall into university policy for a specific sponsored project.

Once the PI, Department Chair, and the Associate Dean of Research have signed please attach it to the eGC1 and OSP will sign when they review the eGC1.


Matching Funds Request

This form is used to request matching funds from the Provost with associated matching funds from the department(s), and Deans Office(s). Please work with your Chair.

Support will only be considered in instances where it is specifically required by a funding agency, or necessary to be competitively successful as documented in the funding announcement or in writing from an agency official. The form is submitted by the Deans Office to the Office of Research.

See Process and Policy for instructions.

Service Contract

These are contracts where the UW is being paid to provide services such as scientific testing, training, program evaluation, curation services, hosting conferences or visitors, performing arts, consultant, field testing, presentations, non-clinical consultation, technical assistance, and other non-sponsored activities.

Project budgets must include the Institutional Overhead rate. All service contracts must be reviewed and signed by the Deans Office.

See Procedure for details.

Once the review process is complete and any changes are made, add the correct signature lines and email forms electronically utilizing DocuSign to the proper signatory. Please add some context and justification in the email when requesting signatures from the Department and Deans' Office. If you don't have DocuSign set up for your department please email the PDF. 

Fellowship Salary Support

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The college seeks to incentivize opportunities for tenure-line and tenured faculty to pursue research using external support. The objective of “top up” funding is to make up the difference between a faculty member’s full-time, 9-month salary and the amount provided by an external award, thus assisting faculty in accepting fellowships that are intended to contribute towards their progress in research and scholarly efforts.

See the policy for a list of eligible fellowships, process steps and department requirements.

Research Information for CAS

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  • Research Cost Recovery Policy - Research cost recovery (RCR) is the allocation of funds back to academic units that generate F&A from grants and contracts. The current unit distribution is based on annual indirect cost expenditures, known as "F&A", or Facilities & Administration for the period of April 1-March 31. Central/Provost keeps 65% of the F&A; the remaining 35% is returned to the Dean's Office, which then redistributes it further to the unit level. The CAS formula return is set at 12.5% on the first $100,000 of F&A expenditures and increases linearly to 25% for $500,000 F&A expenditures and above. Under this policy, the Dean's Office distributes approximately 65% of allocatable RCR funds directly to departments. The remaining balance is reserved by the College, to support research infrastructure and a range of research needs, commitments, and investments.

    RCR funds are put into a unit's 75-04xx budget and may be used for research needs at the discretion of the department chair.

    Dean's Office contacts: Gretchen Davis Richey, Director, Research.

  • Research Center Formation Policy  
  • SOP for contracts, gifts and service contracts (pdf)