Cherry Blossoms

Creating a search

Approval of Hiring Plan

The Dean's office will send an annual call for hiring requests. Once that is gathered and assessed, a final plan will be submitted to the Provost for approval.

Initiate Position Details

The Dean's office will create a Position Details case in Interfolio and forward it to the relevant unit contact for additional details. (Walkthrough coming soon.)

Submit Advertisement

Send the proposed advertisement language to the Divisional Dean and the CAS Personnel Team. Be sure to include all required statements in the ad (see the Advertisement Template) as well as a provisional list of search committee members for review.


Obtain Ad Approval via Interfolio

After the Dean has approved, submit the advertisement in Interfolio utilizing the APF Create a Position user guide.

It is College policy to list a diversity statement as a candidate application requirement on all searches.

Pay close attention to the information detailed in the user guide, especially the Internal Notes section, as the field names don’t always align with the information that OAP would like provided.

Posting Requirements

Ensure the advertisement is posted in either the The Chronicle of Higher Education (online) or another national print journal. Additional discipline-specific postings are encouraged.

Save your Documentation: This documentation will be required in order to finalize the hire

PRO-TIP: As soon as the advertisement is posted in the Chronicle of Higher Education online, print the ad to PDF (ensuring the URL is clearly visible) and save it.  If it was posted in a print journal, request a copy of the tear sheet or a PDF of the posting that clearly shows the journal name, volume, and date. This will be a required part of the documentation when a hire is made.