Cherry Blossoms

Staff and student employees

Classified staff

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Departments are responsible for handling staff appointments, with Dean's Office approval required where indicated. Note that the Dean's Office must receive a funding plan whenever new or increased funding is involved in a personnel action, in order to monitor the availability of state funds and the use of appropriate budgets. To fill a classified staff position, please refer to the UWHR website and the Employee Workday Help website.

A request to review a classified staff position should be sent to the Dean's Office and then will be forwarded to Human Resources. If the position is a state-funded one, the unit must also submit a detailed funding plan explaining how any proposed increase in salary will be permanently funded. The Dean's Office does not have funds available to assist with staff salary increases. The advantage of routing through the Dean's Office is that a funding plan can be worked out and the employee can be informed about any possible changes due to funding.

Professional Staff

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Departments are responsible for handling staff appointments, with Dean's Office approval required where indicated. Note that the Dean's Office must receive a funding plan whenever new or increased funding is involved in a personnel action, in order to monitor the availability of state funds and the use of appropriate budgets. To fill a professional staff position, please refer to the Employee Workday Help. The professional staff personnel program is described on-line; see the Administrative Policy Statements 42.01 and also by UWHR.

Any changes or additions to professional staff counseling positions, or determination of salary levels for these positions, should be coordinated through both the Divisional Dean and the Dean for Undergraduate Education.

When filling a vacant professional staff position, the advertised salary range should reflect the funds that the department has available in the position. If a unit wishes to offer a salary higher than the level of the vacant position, the new salary level should be negotiated with the Dean's Office. The Dean's Office has no funds available for assistance, so any increase must come from the unit's existing permanent budget.

Requests for promotions or salary increases should be sent to the Dean's Office for approval and will be forwarded to the Compensation Office. If the position is a state-funded one, the request must include a detailed funding plan, explaining how the proposed increase in salary will be permanently funded. The Dean's Office does not have funds available to assist with staff salary increases.

Graduate student service appointments

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The processing of GSA appointments is handled entirely by the department. Dean's Office notification or approval is not necessary, but normal UW guidelines and restrictions must be followed. Please refer to the Graduate School website and review the ASE Contract. It is the department's responsibility to make sure that graduate students are paid from appropriate budgets and that TA allocations are not overspent.

Hourly employees

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Refer to the UWHR website and the Employee Workday Help for information on hiring hourly employees. Temporary/hourly employees are limited to working 1050 hours within any twelve-consecutive-month period, measured from the original date of temporary employment or from October 1, 1989, whichever is most recent. Upon reaching 1050 hours, it is expected that the temporary appointment will end.  At no time should the temporary employee work more than 1,050 hours in any given twelve-consecutive-month period.

Student employees

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Refer to the UWHR website and the Employee Workday Help for information on hiring student employees. Note the University's restriction that a student cannot work in excess of 19.5 hours per week while enrolled in courses.