Cherry Blossoms

Leaves and vacancies replacements

Dean's Office contacts: Sue Barnhart, Linda Nelson, Divisional Dean 

Temporary Filling of Vacancies

  • The department chair should review faculty leaves, vacancies, and time-fraction reductions each Spring Quarter for the upcoming year.
  • This information should be incorporated into the department's Adaptive plan.

Searches for Permanent Faculty Positions

  • All searches for permanent faculty positions must be approved by the Dean's Office.
  • Approval for a search is not tied to any specific vacancy in a department.
  • Vacant positions revert to the College for reallocation based on areas of greatest need and opportunity.
  • Any unit can request a position, regardless of whether a vacancy occurred in the previous year.

Normal Practice for Vacant Positions

Typically, a vacant position remains unfilled due to three reasons:

  1. Transitional Support: In consultation with your divisional dean, funds may need to be available after vacancies occur to support departmental transitions to allow departments to:
    • Reallocate teaching responsibilities
    • Accommodate changes in faculty FTE
    • Bridge to a new hire
  2. College Reserves: The College needs funds to maintain reserves. There is no permanent reserve, since the College distributes most of its permanent budget to units. The reserve is primarily funded through the vacant position pool.
  3. Improved Planning: Separating a vacancy from a new search allows for better long-term decision making regarding the department's future. While continuity might be crucial in some cases, additional time is generally advantageous for the unit.

Department Hiring Plans

  • The College initiates an annual call for department hiring plans.
  • This call outlines what should be included in the 5-year plan and how the College will make decisions.
  • The 5-year plan is due to the Divisional Dean by December 15th each year.
  • For more information on the hiring cycle, see the CAS Annual Hiring Cycle site.