Cherry Blossoms

Student Support Stewardship: Endowed

Page last reviewed on 12/3/2024. Pages are reviewed annually.

Impact reporting should be shared with donors who give $10,000 or more to an endowed fund (and any other designated stewardees, such as next of kin or those added by special request).

Endowed funds are stewarded for as long as there are living stewardees to reach out to.

Gift Receipt Gift Services

All donors to the University receive a receipt verifying the tax-deductibility of their gift. Gift receipts include:

  • The full amount of the payment, and
  • Notation of any goods or services received in exchange.

Notable exceptions: if a gift is made from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), the gift receipt is issued to the DAF as the legal donor, not the donor who may have directed the gift. In addition, receipts for planned or estate gifts are sent by the Planned Giving team rather than Gift Services.

Gift Acknowledgments CAS Advancement Services & Administering Unit

Issued when the pledge is made and/or gifts and payments are received. Acknowledgments are sent weekly on behalf of the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.

Departments and centers should also send their own acknowledgments on a regular basis (at least quarterly; preferably monthly.)

Quarterly Stewardship Email CAS Advancement Services

Each quarter, donors to the College of Arts & Sciences receive an electronic newsletter with stories from the College and opportunities to engage further through events.

This audience includes donors from the last 18 months as well as members of the Henry Suzzallo Society.

Department Newsletters Administering Unit Sent by most departments at least annually (and up to quarterly) with assistance from the Digital Production Team. This is a perfect vehicle for communicating broad-based stewardship and stories of impact to a wide audience of donors, alumni and friends, as well as for alerting constituents to upcoming events and opportunities to engage.
Investment Celebration Email Central EDS

Sent the month after a new endowment is invested. CAS Advancement Services works with Major Gift Officers to make sure all appropriate stewardees are sent this notification, which includes:

  • When the fund invested,
  • When it will begin distributing,
  • When the donor can expect to receive a CEF report, and
  • Who to contact with any questions.

(Only applies when new endowments are created.)

Endowment Welcome Packet CAS Advancement Services

Sent to Major Gift Officers to share with the donor and any additional stewardees after the new endowment investment celebration letter is sent out, this welcome packet confirms the investment date, reminds donor when the fund will begin to distribute to the unit, lets them know what stewardship they can expect (and when) moving forward, and reaffirms their best contact should any questions arise.

If additional stewardship is planned, it is a good idea to include note of that in this communication so it feels complete to the donor. (Only applies when new endowments are created.)

Distribution Celebration Major Gift Officer or Administering Unit In the quarter that a new endowment begins to distribute funds to the benefitting unit, the CAS Advancement Services team will reach out to the appropriate Major Gift Officer so that they can celebrate this milestone with the donor. This is an ideal time to let the donor know when the unit plans to begin putting the distributions to use, and when the donor can expect more information about the impact the fund is making. (Only applies when new endowments are created.)
Consolidated Endowment Fund (CEF) Report University Advancement Published each year in November, the annual CEF Report provides information on the University's endowments including investment performance and distributions in the previous fiscal year. (For example, the report received in November 2024 will cover financial reporting for endowments in FY23. Depending on when it invested, a new endowment may not yet have financial information to report in the CEF report.)
Annual Report to Contributors University Advancement Published each year in November, the annual Report to Contributors contains a snapshot of the impact philanthropy has on the University of Washington and those we serve.
Annual Stewardship Communication Administering Unit

Departments and centers should send annual communications to announce student awardees and provide an overview of the fund usage. These communications can also include messages from the student awardee if available/appropriate (using the Beneficiary Portal tool can help streamline this process.)

If the fund won't be used/awarded in a year, someone from the department/center should work with their unit's Gift Officer to communicate with the donors and stewardees regarding why it won't be used and when it will be awarded again.

Annual Tax Receipts University Advancement Each January/February the University reminds donors that they can easily download an annual tax receipt by logging in to My UW Giving.
Special Acknowledgments Annual Philanthropy & CAS Advancement Services

Special recognition for first-time donors, holiday messages and fiscal-year-end thank yous are often sent to donors by the central Annual Philanthropy team.

CAS Advancement Services sends special acknowledgments to Arts & Sciences donors in the summer after making their first gift to the College, or if a donor is a recurring/sustaining donor through a mechanism such as a payroll pledge, Combined Fund Drive, Benevity, etc.

Endowment Step-Up Celebration Major Gift Officer or Administering Unit In the event that an existing endowed fund reaches a level of support that triggers it to step up to a new type of fund, the CAS Advancement Services team will alert the major gift officer. This is a great moment to reach out to the stewardees of that fund to celebrate!